Friday, July 29, 2011

You gotta check out Pinetrest

This site is awesome!
This is where I keep all the things I want to make, dress like, hairstyles, books, ideas for the house (tutorials etc.)
That's right, I no longer have to copy, print or bookmark tutorials on my computer I just pin them!
Then when I want to make that item, I just go to Pinetrest and click on the link and it takes me straight to the tutorials website.
 Whoever thought of this is AMAZING!  I've always said to myself something like that would make things easier. 

This is also the place where I keep pictures I find all over the web of things I just love.
You can organize your boards to be anything you want.

If you aren't pinning yet but would like to, leave me your email address or and I'll send you an invite.
Trust me you are going to LOVE IT!

Happy Pinning!

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